Charlotte, NC Invisalign clear aligners change smiles quickly compared to old-style wire and bracket braces. In just 9 to 18 months, cosmetic dentist Dr. Arthur Schramm repositions teeth comfortably and almost invisibly with removable, customized plastic braces.
Get a new Charlotte, NC Invisalign smile faster than you thought possible
So many adults and older teens really want a straight, good-looking smile to boost their self-confidence. But years of uncomfortable, unattractive wire and bracket orthodontics stops the process cold. Who wants to spend all that time wearing metal braces, doing complex hygiene and sitting in the dental chair for adjustments time and time again?
The good news is that the long, embarrassing hassle is a thing of the past with the advent of
Invisalign clear braces offered by Dr. Arthur Schramm in Charlotte, NC. Custom-made of perfectly clear, BPA-free plastic, Invisalign clear braces have set a new and faster standard of care for patients who need orthodontic correction. Plus, Invisalign appliances are barely noticeable.
The Invisalign evaluation and treatment process is so simple
Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentist, Dr. Arthur Schramm, evaluates patients for Invisalign right in the office.
Invisaligntreats all kinds of tooth alignment problems including crossbite, overbite and underbite, spacing, crowding and overlap issues and even tooth rotation.
Using photographs, x-rays and other imaging, Dr. Schramm creates a 3-dimensional image of the mouth and sends it to an Invisalign lab where a trained technician custom-makes a series of aligners that gradually move the top and bottom teeth into better positions. As treatment progresses, the patient changes out the sets of aligners about every 2 weeks. Monthly check-ins with Dr. Schramm are easy with no long adjustments in the dental chair.
Hygiene is easy, too
Invisalign patients spend less time cleaning their teeth and appliances than other orthodontic patients do. They remove their Invisalign aligners while eating and to brush and floss as well. There are no wires or brackets to floss around, and there are no dietary restrictions. People eat whatever healthy foods they like and need not avoid peanuts or hard foods such as celery or corn on the cob.
Treatment time with Invisalign goes by quickly
Many patients go through years of life with braces. Sore spots, pain, compromised enamel and red gums are common. Dr. Schramm assures his patients that Invisalign clear braces straighten teeth in 9 to 18 months, with just about one year being average. Many brides get Invisalign at engagement time and are done with their aligners by the wedding day. It’s that fast to get a brand-new, healthy smile.
Find out more
Consult with Dr. Schramm at his Charlotte, NC to see if Invisalign is right for you. Contact the office today to
By Schramm Dentistry
June 10, 2015